
By me

The doll archive website palette (as much for my own benefit as for yours, so I don't have to pop photoshop open every time I need a hex code):

#2d1e2d #3c3544 #5f597b #9e9bc0 #d4ceca
#154634 #145a44 #336f4a #50B56A #b7cea6
#1d2249 #350dad #315ccb #6c5ee2 #77a7e1
#5c1075 #652672 #5f3b76 #8523a7 #ac72c5
#811652 #a40d63 #f91297 #e06196 #ec83d8
#c96013 #e95e00 #e1714c #feb306 #eaf27b
#cf1d41 #795855 #837d69 #b48d5a

Note: my skin tone palettes above are taken from my pixels. These are best used for very small image sizes and unfortunately have a limited range of tones. If there is interest, I would be happy to put together a more comprehensive set of palettes.

By others

EGA palette, used in screen displays from 1984-1987


Indexedcolors (archived)

Dollkat (archived)

Umi del mare/aoisland (deviantart)

Packagedbliss (archived)

