The Doll Archive

about me



Also known as pixel clubs or pixel cliques. I love these and I appreciate everyone organizing and participating!! Titles link to the organizer and current homepage of the club, pixels by others link to their creators!

Afternoon Tea

Started and organized by lostletters. Hover to view creator of each cup!
My cups
Pixel teacup that has been used to hold paint water
By others

Snail teacup by snals Candle teacup by desertjaguar Garden teacup by mouthsweets Succulent teacup by artwork Dandelion teacup by chickenham Mushroom teacup by lostletters Froggy teacup by thegardenofmadeline
Strawberry teacup by sugarblush Chocolate mocha teacup by porce-lana Rainbow teacup by starfighter Cherry cream teacup by humanfinny Strawberry teacup by mizuki Stardust teacup by themby Glass teacup by ziggy Lemon teacup by pastelhell
Rainbow sparkles teacup by solaria Lavender teacup by hillhouse Floating world teacup by slashdiv Stormy teacup by pastelhell Aquarium teacup by starfighter Mermaid teacup by desertjaguar Tomato teacup by nico

Kitty Friends

Originally by Catch a Star, currently organized by divergent rays!
My cats
White and brown cat wearing a crown and robe Lucifer, from Disney's Cinderella
By others

Pocket Town

Originally by Lani, currently organized by divergent rays!

Bunny Garden

Created and organized by Solaria, who also made the excellent background image!

Dutch bunny with helicopter ears, standing up   Light gray bunny which has flopped 

Ye Olde Yum-Yum Shoppe

yellow thread bobbin
cabbage white butterfly
ink bottle

owner labels lady bug, peach soda smollest zine, caterpillar
artwork den den, keroppi
cobyzaby smiling mask, blue berry-pie
antikrist orca, cuckoo clock
fairytrash stitch, frankenstein
jesterror beanie baby tag, goldfish cracker
keys klubhouse smarties, soft serve cone
lovetiny maki, onigiri
nostalgic strawberry and banana soy milk
pastelhell happy meal, tiny palace doll
rosedryad pink fairy pony, wigglytuff
solaria sparkle orb, pretzel
vampirevalentine calico planter, bunny plush
mossforestdollz strawberries pint, moss diffuser
paintkiller burnt toast, mixtape
bubbleshoes* toy ducky, lip gloss
ricki's* vanilla with m+ms, bear pillow


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