Shelly Faust

Shelly grew up in San My- shuno with two wealthy, loving parents. After a remarkably pri- vileged child- hood, she soon became suscep- tible to teenage mood swings she would never quite grow out of. Shelly earn- ed a Distingu- ished Degree in Drama from Britechester University and moved to Ever- green Harbor, where she mar- ried high school sweetheart Laura Chavez.
Despite her efforts towards independence, Shelly would eventually move back in with her parents in scen- ic Brindleton Bay. Prima and Ulrike helped raise toddlers Dorian and Charlotte while Shelly mastered Charisma and Fitness skills.
With rela- tively little hard work, Shelly eventually achi- eved her acting dream. She is currently sett- ling into her new role as matriarch of 4 lovely children.